I Write My Own Story

I am the author of my own destiny. I am the writer of my own fate. And I love that I can take control of my story, but even more, I love how when surrendered and aligned with the will of God, that is when greater things happen.


Taking accountability and stepping forward to be in charge of my story has allowed me to learn who I am and who I am wanting to be. We each have a story, and it should be ours to tell. Others lack the power to have any say in your story, you are the director.


We get to choose the characters that will be part of the journey. Aligning with those who help encourage and grow us is important. It has been humbling to be on this journey and the amazing people God has aligned me with on this journey called life.


It is the most freeing when you are no longer the victim in my story. You are the hero, the victor of your life.


As the hero, we are able rescue any parts of myself that need to be healed and give these parts the love they need. Stop pushing down the aspects of ourselves that need to come forth to be forgiven and release what isn’t growing us, allowing us all my parts on board with the new narrative to joyfully write our new script and maybe choosing a new path that we may have never gone down before.


We never know our full potential or who we are until we step forward. There is an opportunity in everything.


Dare to Dream


In Tough Times, I Am Comforted By My Faith