In Tough Times, I Am Comforted By My Faith

Life comes with many ups and downs, but I have learned that it is in the midst of those ups and down that we learn who we are, our passions, our strengths and weakness & Who we belong to. And it is in God alone that I have comfort and the promises He has for me.


We all have been given talents and gifts, we have also been given our own journey to walk. These are tools that should grow us to our purpose when we know it can be used for something greater than ourself. This has been my comfort, for He can make anything beautiful when we trust Him.


We were built for success and deserving of blessings through God, as we are His children. Sometimes, it is easy to forget that when things take an unexpected turn but relying on my faith gives me the courage to face my challenges and brings me the peace I seek. I wouldn’t be where or who I am without understanding this to be the heart of God.


I might be unable to control the things that happen around me, but I know that I can manage my response to them.


I believe in the promise of each day, even when I feel lonely because I am away from my loved ones. Although I miss them, my days are filled with opportunities to transform my emotional state.


Tough financial times are draining, but I push myself to climb out of the emotional rut. Making responsible spending decisions comes from taking stock of past habits. I use my own experiences and outcomes to guide future action. This is why understanding scripture and history help us to grow as we learn and grow from it.


I believe in myself and the bright future that awaits me as I walk with God and pursue what has been laid on my heart to do.


I know that each obstacle I encounter is only a temporary barrier. I view my challenges as opportunities to gain wisdom and maturity as I strengthen the faith that upholds me.


I am a stronger person today than yesterday because of my faith.


I pray that you realize today that the challenges you may be facing provide opportunities to grow and strengthen your faith walk and the blessings that will come out of it all. When we fix our eyes on God, we allow Him to steer the journey rather than focus on the negative factors the enemy presents us with.


I Write My Own Story


His Shalom Is My Anchor In Uncertain Times.