My Faith Grounds Me.

How wonderful it is to be able to rise above anything that disturbs my peace, to know who I am and Who I belong to... When anxiety strikes, I rely on my faith to bring me back to my present reality. I carry around the belief that not only there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but the knowledge that God can make anything beautiful.


This unshakeable belief calms me and restores my inner peace.


I believe that there are answers to whatever issues I am facing. Although they are sometimes difficult to see, I maintain my composure. My faith in positive outcomes gives me the mental clarity to seek and find what I am looking for.


Comparing my successes to those of my friends is counterproductive, the only person I wish to compare myself to is myself that I may grow continually. I love to celebrate other’s wins and maintain confidence that mine are on the way, that no one else can do what God has called me to do as we each bring our own gifts and talents to be used for something much greater than ourselves.


My life is a unique journey with its own paths to success. It is exciting to figure out a way forward that is different from everyone else’s. The relationship with our Heavenly Father that stems from this only allows to be love Him more as I don’t ever want to know who or where I would be without Him. Seeing things come to fruition strengthens my faith and keeps me emotionally positive as I rest in the shalom of God.


My faith prevents me from feeling hopeless about illness because I am never alone, and nothing is unknown or unseen by the One I truly belong to. I know that carrying negative energy worsens physical challenges, stress is a key component to most diseases in this world. I prefer to trust God alone and do what I am able, taking things one day at a time.


Healing comes from believing that it is already happening, trusting God, and stepping out in faith. It is the self-assurance that brings victory even when it is hard to see.


Today, grow in your faith as your refuge, when the answers you seek are hard to navigate, trust Him. I walk around with the calming reassurance that my life experiences are meant to grow me as the daughter of God I am purposely seeking to be.


My Gifts & Talents Are Blessings.