My Gifts & Talents Are Blessings.

When you natural understand who you are and your spiritual gifts, you shine a brighter light to those around you. In this, my gifts and talents are able to be used as blessings to those around me for the glory of God and it is where I grow daily.

Each morning I give thanks for the abilities bestowed on me and for the needs God continues to faithfully provide my family. When I take a moment to consider them, I feel even more blessed and rested in His enduring love and peace over my life. Having tools that I am able to use to impact the world is special, but even more when it is done humbly for something much bigger than what this world can give. I avoid taking them for granted, especially since I had lost my gift for a season.


Our gifts are immersed in who we are authentically. I love to write and losing that part of myself had me lost for a decade trying to find myself without even realizing it. Whenever I feel the urge to waste my day watching TV, I pick up a keyboard and start to type instead.


Being conscious of the importance of honing my writing gift and all that the Lord has inspired me to do, keeps me from losing it. I know that many opportunities are out there for me to benefit from writing. I understand that the stories and the power of the Word is what connects us, helps us to grow and learn. I understand the importance to use my gift intentionally, to serve others and for His glory; and that is the greater gift in itself.


Each blessing that I receive is worth sharing with others because sharing what I know with others is fulfilling. I am thrilled to see how my teachings positively impact another person’s life. Whenever I have the chance to enlighten another person, it only feels natural to do so. Giving of myself and serving others only enhances me.


It is foolish to believe that sharing my talents means losing a part of me. Whatever I have multiplies when I share it with others, as we are called to do. I am so for this journey. My talents are tools that enable me to my purpose and my dreams as they are aligned. I am committed to using them instead of wasting them because they are mine to make the most of. And if my legancy could be anything, it would be that I used my gifts and talents to serve others for the glory of God and how much I loved those around me.


What is your talent? What is your gift?? I would love to hear about your story.



His Shalom Is My Anchor In Uncertain Times.


My Faith Grounds Me.