His Shalom Is My Anchor In Uncertain Times.

Peace is a state of prevailing harmony, free from disputes, anxiety, and stress. God’s peace, shalom, is where we have rest and restoration in Him. During times of confusion or uncertainty, I rely on my Father’s peace to anchor me securely. When I am grounded in Him, I am unmovable and able to receive His will and love in my life.


Faith is about a relationship and trust, which isn’t like anything we can receive from anything or anyone in this world. Since God is the Creator and Finisher, nothing is unseen or unknown to Him. He never changes, never waivers and is always good. Many people misinterpret Who He is and miss the very source of their being. It is in God alone that I have freedom by the chains on earth, not freedom from God but freedom into God’s presence, in His shalom.


My faith is steadfast because I place my trust in a Him alone, rather than my own strength. I am hopeful about the future, regardless of the circumstances that surround me today. I know that He will use it for my good and His glory, and that I am walking with Him through it all. It is through this process that I surrender to Him that I am able to fully learn to embrace my destiny.


The storms of life rise up like the oceans' waves, but my vessel rests in still waters because I am anchored in a peace beyond a world’s understanding. I remain in control of my emotions. I know the storm will pass; therefore, there is nothing to fear.


Prayer is the lifeline that connects me and restores my mind to Who it belongs to. When I pray, I feel a serene sense of tranquility saturate my body. Prayer allows me to remove all pressure from my shoulders and deposit it in the arms of my Creator.

I endure through the storm, knowing that once the rain clouds move on, the sun shines again. After a storm, I rejoice in the vivid rainbow that follows. In order for me to enjoy the brighter things in life, I first have to overcome the storm.


It is through the storm that we are humbled and find ourselves and grow with God. Embracing these moments have been the source of my very being. His shalom is my anchor and my foundation.


In Tough Times, I Am Comforted By My Faith


My Gifts & Talents Are Blessings.